Tips For Keeping Your Try-On Dress In Top Condition

We can't wait to hear your thoughts and ideas after you've completed your Try-On dress service!
This service might be your first step in shopping for your dream wedding or bridesmaid dress. So we're here to help with some recommendations to ensure you have the best experience.
We trust that our dress samples will be in safe hands while it is visiting you, however as with all return purchases, customers are responsible for ensuring the garment is returned in the same condition that it was received.
Here are some of our recommendations to help ensure your Try-On dress is kept in top condition.
- When you first remove your Try-On dress from its original packaging, be aware of anything around you that the dress could catch on and become damaged. This includes; Heels, sharp corners, objects on the floor or in some cases the floor itself, chairs, etc.
- We love, love, love pets of all kinds, they are absolutely the best! But they often like to be a part of whatever we're doing. Watch out for claws, paws and fur.
- Hanging the dress up and/or storing it in the original packaging when you're not trying it on is always best to help avoid any mishaps.
- Please be aware that some cosmetic products and hygiene products can leave oil marks or stains on the fabric. Some types of products to watch out for; self tanners, face makeup, lotions/oils, etc. We recommend not trying the dress on while wearing any strong scents or perfumes as these can linger in fabrics and dry cleaning may be required.
- Our standard sample dress length might be very long on you. If the fabric drags on the ground, make sure your floors are clean as fabrics tend to be a magnetic for dust/dirt/hair.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have at